Pet Loss Q: Our family had a dog, Tuffy, who died last month of old age and some medical problems. My wife and and I adopted him when we got married, and our two children grew up with him. Tuffy was like one of the family, going places with us, playing with the kids, watching TV with the family-just being there all the time. Even though it has been a month since he died, it is not getting easier for any of us to get over his death. The house feels empty without him. In fact, our lives feel empty without him. Our youngest son gets upset when we try to put his toys and food bowls away, and still keeps Tuffy's favorite rug in the living room. We are thinking about getting another dog, but the kids don't want another dog, and we all don't want to go through the pain of having another pet die. We didn't think we would take the death of Tuffy so hard. After all, he was just a dog, not a person. A:
It sounds like Tuffy was truly a part of your family, and you miss him terribly.
A cherished pet who is part of the family is loved like any family member,
and his death leaves a void in your home. Perhaps some kind of memorial for
Tuffy will help you to validate your feelings and move on. Headstones for
pets are available, and can mark his burial site so when you visit, you can
feel he has been memorialized. Work together as a family to choose special
photos of Tuffy for an album. If the children enjoy writing or drawing, they
can include a short story, poems or pictures. Keep this "memory book"
in a prominent place for awhile. Perhaps your children could keep one thing
to remind them about Tuffy in their room, then put the rest in a box and put
it away. Thank you for your question. I hope you will let me know your progress. Home
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